This morning I thought I'd figure out how to add images to articles. Once again, I found another helpful Joomla article.
To an Article
Adding an image to an article - Joomla! Documentation
It provides instructions for both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4 users. Various methods exist for adding images:
- Adding a "local" image. Local images are images already uploaded to the images folder of your Joomla installation via the CMS Content --> Media button in the TinyMCE
- Drag and drop directly to the article.
- Adding a remote image. Remote image is an image that is already available on the web via an URL. Use the image icon on the TinyMCE toolbar.
The image below was added using the insert Drage and drop method. Grove border style.
Image Class and Figure Class need some explanation and examples.
To Top Banner and Navigation
Now we are talking about tweaking Cassiopeia. A 2022 article that provides a number of tips and tricks, and an article on tweaking the top banner and navigation is in a related article
Joomla 4 – Cassiopeia Template – a bunch of Tips & Tricks - The Joomla Community Magazine